What is the refund policy?

  1. Overview
  2. FAQ
  3. What is the refund policy?

We are committed to refunding the minutes you have used if the creation of your video failed to complete due to a technical error on our end. To request a refund of minutes, please get in touch with our support service. We will review your request, and if it is confirmed that there was a technical error on our end, we will return the used minutes to your account.

Please note that refunds are not provided in the following cases:

More than 25% of the subscription plan has been used.
More than 14 days have passed since the activation of the subscription.
The client received an expected, technically high-quality result but changed their mind about using the service.
Each refund request will be considered individually. You can learn more about our refund policy in our terms of service by following this link: https://www.dubair.ai/terms-of-service. All Lifetime Deal purchases can claim a refund 90 days from the app’s launch. All refunds will be issued within 30 days of the refund request.

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